Sweet Dreams // Bedtime Conversation #7,112,014

Bedtime conversation with my preschooler…

Me: Good night. Sweet dreams. ❀️

DEA4: “But mommy, I will probably have bad wishes, while I sweep, wike last night.” πŸ˜•

Me: Dream about happiness, unicorns and princesses… 😊

DEA4: “Hmmm… But, ‘You get what you get and you don’t fro a fit,’ Mommy.”

Me: πŸ’‹ Sweet Dreams beautiful girl.

Singing & Napping {Not Dancing} in Carseats

This is one of many songs sung by DEA3 on the way. Hearing her voice makes me smile, it’s so sweet.

This is how the girls spent hours & hours of this fab summer day. {AKA4 is catching air here.} 20130630-001853.jpg
{FYI: Water slides are the BEST babysitters!}
Happy 6th Birthday Avery!

Our ride home was silent though, total opposite from our ride there. She lasted for less than one block before falling asleep. We had to laugh when we saw her… Yellow braid and movie STAR shades in hand. 20130629-233734.jpg

Cheers to Water Play!


Kids are Funny! Say // Do

Has your toddler ever done and said something that has you cracking up for days? For decades, kids have been quoted {televised even} Saying …the “Darndest Things” first with Art Linkletter (1945–1969) and then with Bill Cosby (1998–2000). My girls perform and utter some of the most berserk jaw-droppers, leaving me in stitches daily. {I’m sure they get their gifts of humor from their Mommy. LOL! Love you Babe!}

Just today, Delaney ran up to me grinning ear to ear and holding a broken piece of fingernail between two of her grubby little fingers. She raised it up and proudly said, “My will put this under my pillow ANNND the Tooth Fairy will leave me money.” I had to bite my tongue. Hysterical inside.
Seconds later I broke my stinkin’ nail! Karma? Doubt it.
Cheers to a good manicure!
Tell me & my readers about one of the funniest things your child has said or done. ❀

Cheers to Blogging! // Why I Blog

Why on Earth did I start a BLOG? I teach middle school full time. I’m tired. I was the LA Fashion Editor for a plus-size eMag. I spent my free time volunteering for Backstage Creations {Still do. That’s a story for another day.} & when I had this brilliant {I wanna create and write a blog} epiphany I had two babies, under 2. Not on purpose.

Side Note: I’m okay with having back-to-back babies, now. 😊 Just to clear “things” up, my IUD failed – causing me to have our second daughter one year & eight days after our first daughter. Yep, two in diapers, two in strollers, two in highchairs, two who would cry to try to express their needs and wants. 😳 Ha! You could call me a baby expert. Thankfully, AKA was an easy baby because, DEA, her baby sister, wasn’t so easy.
Needless to say, our life is crazy-busy-fun, on most days! With quick click access to Facebook, Instagram & Twitter, it was easy for me to share my everyday. Especially helpful since I never {Uhhh, still need to get right on that…} even started a baby book for DEA.

As the girls began to speak I’d quote them, tell of their daily antics {I can’t even count the number of times that someone would suggest that I write a book. Honored.}
Posting daily photos of the girls, our family, mommy & toddler fashion, and my “go-to” family-with-baby necessities became my calm way of regrouping at day’s end. Having a blog made sense. Keeping family & friends in the virtual know, of our crazy-busy-fun, always laughing right along with me and my dear husband. He’s so patient. *Insert chuckles {HERE.}

Observing my successes, and creating a “name” quickly led to building a lifestyle blog. With the guidance of my beautiful stay-at-home-mom sister – Kristin Strange (who started her blog My Strange Family about 6 months before me), attending thrilling events, a few perks and reading inspirational words of other amazing Mommy Bloggers like: Big City Moms, Savvy Sassy Moms, the little style file and Mom Trends would, and still do, drive me.

Here’s a photo of an HP event, at the glamorous Dwell Studio, that I was fortunate to attend with my sister.
Time was spent focusing & blogging on everything I do & love… from tips for dressing fashionably, shopping and traveling with kids. Sharing must-haves for moms {sometimes even dads}, babies, toddlers and beyond. Music, milestones and motivation are my passion; here, I assist and inspire other moms to be confident, savvy & lovers of their everyday.

Here are a couple of my fave examples of what I’ve created for my blog:

Each Mommy on the Go… collection includes a stroller, posh oversized bag, on trend outfit & accessories. {Along with links, not shown here, taking my readers directly to the site to purchase featured items.}
Each themed Toddler Trend… collection includes a book, toy, snack, on trend outfit & accessories. {I create collections for both girls & boys, they’re usually separate.}
I’m a mommy // wife // friend // plus-sized // confident // fashionista // savvy shopper // decorator // totally random // self-proclaimed photographer // writer // editor // blogger // talker // teacher // coffee lover
{Not always in that order.}

Our family is ALWAYS laughing, OFTEN Dancing in Carseats , asking, “Did that just happen?” & loving our crazy-busy-fun life. Every second of it! The great, the chaotic & the oh my God!
So that’s it! That’s why I started my blog. ❀

Cheers to Blogging!
xoox, Jen

Toddlers | Mischievous Painters?

With all of yesterday’s home improvement, the girls decided to repaint {some of their prize possessions &} part of our house’s interior! OMG!

I was in the bathroom {changing into my swimsuit} for less than 5 minutes. I walk out to find both girls {looking mischievous} with paint brushes & paint pallets in hand looking like Disney’s Alice in Wonderland & the deck of cards who were “painting the roses red.”

I lost it! Basically transformed into the Queen of Hearts! LOL! Asking, “What are you girls doing?” DEA3: “Paintin’.” {All matter of fact.} & Me: “Obviously. Where we’re you painting?” AKA4: Burst into tears. Delaney immediately grabbed a baby wipe & guided me to all 8 wet paint locations.

All wiped up and ready to swim… now. Another eventful summer day with kids.

❀ Jen &

Our Mini-Carseat Dancing-Disney Inspired-Home ✌Improving✌-Picassos


My Toddler is a Diva | Badgley Mischka

This Mommy went shoe shopping with the Nordstrom gift cards that I received for Mother’s Day. Delaney {quick reminder: she’s our 3-year-old} approached me with these {women’s – size 6} Badgley Mischka beauties and requested that we buy them for her birthday. It’s in October! She even sat down and to hold one sole to sole with her shoe.

DEA: “Vay are be-u-tee-ful and vay fit.”
Happy Shopping!πŸ‘ 

Our Good Summer Day. {Well, Minus the Crying.}

I’d say that about 70% of our good summer day was spent hearing DEA {our sassy, stubborn 3 year-old} whine, complain, cry and defy. Needless to say, in order to de-stress, we {my CarseatDancers & me} needed to get out of the house.

AKA {our 4 year-old} found ways to “nignore” her sister and entertain herself as I dealt with Delaney’s whining. This photo was taken just prior to leaving. Seconds after snapping this shot she hugged the fan a bit too tight {while singing} and clipped her finger. Lesson learned.


DEA, after 5 “costume changes,” decided that she liked the look of sequin & ruffled polka-dots.
Our little Fashionista. {& If I might add…quite the color combo, hence my black & white photo.}


AKA was thrilled to be able to wear her new sandals out. Totally on trend! DEA: “Addison, my really wike YOUR sandals too.”


Our final destination.
This was our first time conquering “Funland.” {Del Taco‘s indoor slide & play space.} They loved it! All of their cooperation and giggles {almost completely} made up for all of the whining earlier.


Cheers to you & your good summer day!
xoox, Jen


Our 1st Family Camping Trip

Doheny State Beach, California
β€’ F A M I L Y & F R I E N D S β€’ B E A C H β€’ C A M P I N G β€’ T R I P β€’

All packed up & ready to roll.
{Addison 4 & Delaney 3 sat here -waiting- for 45 minutes.}
Our girls were so excited; they couldn’t contain their eagerness to get to Doheny Beach for our family & friends “Camping Adventure!”

Day 1:
Sand, jumping waves with Mema & “Grossed-ing” marshmallows with Papa…


Day 2:
Waiting {at Dawn mind you} for our Daddy & his buddies to catch some fish with our best friend, Tether Ball anyone {yep – tether ball} & a few of the kids. Ready? Pose. Set, G O!

{“Our Group” Photo credit: @slee1225.}


Day 3:
Moms. Fuzzy beach view. Building a sand castle. Ready to R I D E !

Our 1st family bike ride.

Our last day:



All in all, an unforgettable camping adventure. {The first of many annual trips to Doheny State Beach!}

Cheers to A D V E N T U R E!
xoox Jen
Follow me on @Twitter –> @CarseatDancers
