Yippie! My Photo Feature // Rhonna Designs App

So, there’s this photo editing app that I’m in LOVE with. My shot of Addison twirling in her Thanksgiving DIY {Magazine} Headdress was featured on the site! Woo hoo!!!
Check out Rhonna Designs {Photo Editing App} in the App Store.
Cheers to “Uplifting & Inspiring” through photography!

Thanksgiving Leftovers? // Ham & Northern Beans // Recipe

I’m sure you’ve found yourself, like the rest of the world, with leftovers the day after Thanksgiving. Our family’s menu included a juicy turkey and delicious ham. Needless to say, we had a mother load of leftover ham, perfect for my Mom, “Mema’s,” tasty stew. This process started early this morning. Oh, how the aromas danced through the air. MmmMmmm…
20131129-215603.jpg We started with this…
add a little of this… 20131129-190317.jpg & a pinch of that… 20131129-190338.jpg Perfection!
Cheers to family!

The best things in life are FREE // Be Thankful


Addison 5:”Mommy, do I have school tomorrow?”
{She loves Transitional Kindergarten.}
Me: “No. You’re off this whole week for Thanksgiving.”
AKA5: “This whole week is Thanksgiving! {long pause} Well I better give some thanks!” She’s thankful for: family, friends & her American Girl Doll 20131128-190551.jpg 20131128-191733.jpg
Delaney 4: “I’m fank-foe for funny faces.”
I’m thankful for: A family who’s supportive and giving. Beautiful, intelligent daughters. A thoughtful, hardworking husband. Friends who are like family. Sleeping in. LOVE. ❤️

Be thankful.

12 Random Facts About Me

12 Random Facts About Me:
1. As a teen, I was in the Miss Teenage California Pageant. I believe this experience is part of what’s made me the confident person who I am today.
2. I’m deathly afraid of snakes, guns & talking or singing on a microphone . -Odd combo, I know.
3. I sing well but do not sing out loud unless it’s to my kids. –Who knows why?
4. Name a celebrity and I have probably worked with, assisted, spoken to, or seen them up close & personal. I volunteer my time working backstage at award shows like the Grammys, Golden Globes, ESPYS, Teen Choice… & have for more than a decade.
5. Nearly ten years ago I was diagnosed with Vasovagal Syncope, a condition that causes me to faint at the sight or thought of blood or pain. Crazy, I know!
6. Eggs, strawberry yogurt and seafood gross me out. {To the point of gagging.}
7. I’m an avid non-reader. I’m sure this comes from having trouble focusing & getting distracted easily. Having to read & reread pages of books became daunting over the years. No, I didn’t even read Fifty Shades of Grey.
8. I have traveled to 20 different countries, thanks to my parent’s value of exposing my sister and me to multiple cultures and providing our family with a Worldly perspective.
9. My husband and I have known each other since I was a sophomore in high school. {1994} We met officially when he, a senior, asked me to Disney’s Grad Night.
10. Our babies are 1 year & 8 days apart, not on purpose. LOL! {I don’t recommend the Mirena IUD if you are attempting to NOT get pregnant.- Learning that we were going to have baby #2 so close to our first was a complete shock! Let me add though… they are both beautiful and brilliant and we love them dearly.}
11. I was a competitive swimmer, lifeguard & swim instructor for years but needed to hire someone to teach my youngest to swim without floaties.
12. I blog. Having small girls, who’s antics are hysterical & an encouraging sister who convinced me to start blogging, has brought me to create a lifestyle blog geared toward moms… I wish I had more time to maintain it. Often, you’ll find me quoting our girls and accompanying our everyday, well almost, with pictures. — Through this, I have discovered that I’m a darn good photographer {self-proclaimed} and actually won a photo contest with Target. {No, my sister wasn’t a judge.} On my blog, I also include fashion suggestions for the whole family and reviews on products and trends. http://www.DancingInCarseats.wordpress.com


Crazy Morning // 5 Home Safety Tips

Our now 4-year-old, unknown to her, had me panicked & on a wild goose chase this morning. At home, we’ve discussed {with both girls} the importance of following rules to stay safe. I’m a constant rule enforcer and tend to be a bit over-protective. Probably because I grew up with a swimming pool and had one for much of their early years. They’re well trained, right? They have NEVER decided to wander outdoors. Nothing to worry about. Until today.

My husband and 5-year-old left the house early to take my in-laws to the airport. This was a change to our routine; daddy normally drops both kids off at school. I got up about twenty minutes after they left and started to get ready. Walked into DEA’s room to awaken her and found that she was GONE. I ran to her sister’s room, no luck & continued searching upstairs. Yelling her name. Panicked!

Running down the hallway I heard a faint crying {downstairs maybe?} No luck! Tears…

I ran to the door leading into the garage and, to my dismay, found the door & security screen open. The door leading out & it’s security screen was open too! I ran out, forgetting that I was only partly clothed, to find her sobbing, then whaling… snot draining out with the tears. Hugging her tightly, I reassured her that I was there. Reminded her that we love her. Mid sob, she explained, “I fought my daddy weft me.” I held her tighter. Kissed her. 20131104-225159.jpg

Quickly realizing that we, neither my husband nor me, had mentioned — Mommy was going to take her to school. — had me thinking. We should have alerted her about the upcoming change in her routine. Our morning fiasco led to my recording these tips.

5 Home Safety Tips:
– Make locking all deadbolts a habit.
– Install a home security system.
– Have a security chime turned on even when you’re home.
– Constantly remind small children to only go outside with an adult.
– ALWAYS share upcoming changes in routine with your young children.

Thankful for a healthy set of lungs & a fully-gated yard.

Cheers to Home Safety!