Earning Kudos // Children

Receiving kudos can be extremely powerful especially when you are a child. 20150118-104928.jpg
Our daughters are five and six, one is in kindergarten and the other in preschool, TK. I was thinking about the value of earning kudos and which quick ways to earn them, are important to teach children. This thought popped into my mind after my five-year-old ran into my bedroom, handed me her bowl of cereal and proceeded to skip to the bathroom. For a second I totally thought that I was getting breakfast in bed. Wishful thinking. 20150118-105116.jpg
Then, I started to think even more about this concept, the concept of giving kudos. Even at preschool age, this list will come in handy. {Not only for the child but for you, the parent, as well.}

Teach your children these five {easy} tasks:
1. Allow mommy and daddy to sleep in on a weekend day.
We keep very few toys in our daughters’ bedrooms. {We have a playroom downstairs for toys.} At an early age we taught our girls to wake-up-&-play-quietly with the few specialty toys that are kept in their room. The adorable peg dolls shown here can be ordered from: Pegatopia … Be sure to browse the vast array of adorable peg dolls, hand made, for girls & boys — Of every age. {I ordered a Star Wars – Princess Leia one for my friend Liz. Swoon.} 20150119-094741.jpg
2. Bring mommy and daddy breakfast in bed.
This is the perfect opportunity to teach your child how to read a digital clock. After the clock reads 9:00, your little darling can bring up a bowl of dry cereal, banana or an apple. It’s the little things. {See cereal pic above. 😉}

3. Making your bed and tidying up your room without being asked to do so by mommy & daddy.
This task is simple and my girls find it fun. Teach your sweetie to straighten up the comforter and display their decorative pillows to their liking. 20150119-094621.jpg
4. Giving someone a compliment.
I have taught my daughters to use kind words and to complement others. When I hear them demonstrate what I’ve taught them I go out of my way to praise them and give kudos. Something as simple as, “You’re funny.” Or “That’s a beautiful necklace.” A complement can go along way.

5. Getting along with your sister {Or brother in some cases.}
It warms my heart to hear our girls getting along and playing nicely together. Being sisters can be tough sometimes. Being a year apart can be even tougher. When I hear them using kind words and playing gently with one another I am sure to give them kudos.

Do you have any parenting tips regarding giving kudos?

Please share them in the comments below.
❤ Jen


Capturing a moment like this is rare. Makes my heart sing. ❤
Normally, we live 90% of our day by the amazingly true words of Shel Silverstein…
For Sale
One sister for sale!
One sister for sale!
One crying and spying young sister for sale!
I’m really not kidding,
So who’ll start the bidding?
Do I hear the dollar?
A nickel?
A penny?
Oh, isn’t there, isn’t there, isn’t there any
One kid that will buy this old sister for sale,
This crying and spying young sister for sale?

Cheers to ✌Moments✌ of Sisterly Love!
xoox, Jen
{This is me & my Sis.}

Caption This… // 4th of July 2013

Caption This…

Celebrating a lovely 4th of July in Carlsbad.
Delaney in the Cosmos. 20130704-153328.jpg

Addison swaying & waving her American Flag. 20130704-153845.jpg
You’re a grand old flag
You’re a high flying flag
And forever in peace may you wave
You’re the emblem of
The land I love
The home of the free and the brave
Every heart beats true
‘Neath the red white and blue
Where there’s never a boast or brag
Should old acquaintance be forgot
Keep your eye on the grand old flag
The grand old flag

You’re a grand old flag
You’re a high flying flag
And forever in peace may you wave
You’re the emblem of
The land I love
The home of the free and the brave
Every heart beats true
‘Neath the red white and blue
Where there’s never a boast or brag
Should old acquaintance be forgot
Keep your eye on the grand old flag
Keep your eye on the grand old flag
Keep your eye on the grand old flag

Cheers to Freedom!
xoox, Jen

Happy Easter

:: Happy Easter :: Traditions ::

Every Easter, since I was a tot, the tradition has been to scour the house in the wee morning hours in search of your Easter basket. A basket hidden by the Easter Bunny as everyone slept.

The tradition continued this morning. Only thing was that Addison4 hadn’t been reminded of the unwritten “rules.”

{Just search. Don’t touch. Don’t tell.}

My hubby and I were startled awake as she squealed at our bedside, schlepping Mommy & Daddy’s basket, Delaney3’s basket & her own upstairs. Grinning ear to ear and wearing the Hello Kitty swim goggles that she found in her basket. Innocence is bliss.

Later… The Egg Hunt!

& Just before Easter dinner, our family photo session. {Another tradition.} Notice the frown on our adorable yet stubborn Delaney’s face; she really wanted THE golden egg.
37 pictures later…

& one with Mema & Papa too!

Happy Easter!