Fashionable Girls // Matilda Jane Clothing // Gift Card Giveaway

It seems that every time we leave the house I receive compliments on my daughters’ sense of fashion. Hearing, “Your girls are the most stylish kids I know.” makes this Mommy smile.
Matilda Jane Kids Fashion
One brand that has me and EVERYBODY swooning is Matilda Jane. Their versatile patterns are made to mix-n-match with other Matilda Jane Clothing & items already in your closet, allowing even the youngest in my brood to style herself so sweetly. Their *Paint by Numbers* line is filled with bold colors that are just perfect to coordinate with myself and the whole family for that matter.

{Styling Tip: When leaving your home, plan ahead for family photo opportunities by coordinating colors with each family member. I even have my wonderful husband “trained” to consult with me prior to dressing.}
Matilda Jane Kids FashionAddison’s selection features: Turtledove Knot Top {her absolute fave}, Gallery Leggings & oh so soft Stippling Tee. {The moccasins are my own, from Freshly Picked.} Matilda Jane Kids Fashion Matilda Jane’s fabrics allow my girls to look amazing while whirling, jumping and playing make believe. Their looks are über fashionable… from everyday play to the perfect birthday party look. My sweeties wear Matilda Jane here, there & everywhere.
“It’s all about keeping a little girl…a little girl. Keeping her youthful. Keeping her spinning and twirling and carefree. And most importantly, bringing her happiness.”
– Denise DeMarchis, designer and founder.
Matilda Jane Kids Fashion Thanks to the generous folks at Matilda Jane, my Carseat Dancers & I have a $50 Matilda Jane Clothing gift card to give away to one lucky Dancing in Carseats reader!

Cheers to Style!

Please enter via this –> Rafflecopter link. <– Good luck!

New Boxing Day Pastime//Reindeer Games

So, today’s Boxing Day {the day after Christmas} and our family has a new tradition… Deer Wrangling!
Reindeer rides, courtesy of Mema. {To purchase a 3D Inflatable Deer & have reindeer games of your own visit Bass Pro Shops.}
A visit from our local fire department {they were just driving by & stopped.}
The kids were thrilled to sit in the driver’s seat. {Shhh… Mema hopped inside too.}

A lovely trip to the park completed a great day…
What a fantastic day!

Cheers to Family!
❤ Jen


Our Christmas Tree Topper

Another tradition of ours has been that the youngest family member places the angel on top of the tree. Preparing for this I arranged Addison {5} in the perfect spot for taking our picture.

… “Stand here and get ready to take the picture honey. When Mommy holds Delaney over the railing, like Superman, you will take a picture.”

AKA5: “Ok, got it!” 😊👍
AKA5: “Oh NO!!!…” {Simultaneously running toward us as she’s snapping the photo.}

Let me just say… This didn’t end well.
Cheer to Memories!
& A better idea next time. LOL!